Who are ShopTech Media Ecommerce Development team?

ShopTech media ecommerce development team pilots ShopTech Media. We are Prestashop-thirtyBees ecommerce website developers, contributors, and enthusiasts. Our goal is to make the world of Prestashop-thirtyBees accessible to small and medium business who needed an ecommerce website to sell their product online.

We created cool stuff and addons to make ecommerce websites run smoothly and perform better against their competitors in search engines, and integrate correct data structure patterned after schema.org to better give our clients the edge over competitors in Google and other search engine results.

Where you can reach ShopTech Media Ecommerce Development team?

If you’d like to reach us directly with thoughts, suggestions, or questions about ShopTech Media or Prestashop and ThirtyBees ecommerce website development—please drop us a line at contact@shoptech.media.

Be the first to hear when we find something cool, follow ShopTech Media on Twitter/@shoptechmedia or find us on Facebook.com/shoptechmedia.

Also, you should definitely join our mailing list! We email out once a week (we never spam you) with our own video and other tutorial, plus the Prestashop and ThirtyBeesnews we’ve found over the week, ecommerce development in general, and best practices on how to market your ecommerce websites on the internet.

What Are We Good At?

  1. Shoptech media runs a hosting service specific for prestashop and thritybees ecommerce website systems.
  2. Manage our own ShopTech Mailer, an easy to use mail server to run your webshop email marketing.
  3. We built a full multimedia Prestashop and Thirtybees Masterclass for webshop owners and managers. Our skills are honed from decades of experience managing and developing the platform(still only available in Danish language).
  4. We conceptualize, develop/design performance modules for prestashop and thirtybees ecommerce.
  5. Shoptech media also runs a cool addons webshop called addons.shoptech.media.

“Everything you need to run your webshop!”




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