Webshop optimization: Your list for improvements for 2020

We think it would be a good idea to make you a cheat sheet before we all go on Christmas holidays.

This list can be a guide to improvements for your webshop in the new year.

#1. Make it easy for your customers on your webshop.

The navigation of your shop must be visible everywhere. It’s a good place to start, because if your users find what they’re looking for as quickly as possible, they’re also more likely to shop with you.
It also makes them more likely to return to your shop when they want to buy something else.

Any improvement to page navigation will have a good effect on usability and your business goal.

Another way to make the user experience better for your customers is to increase the speed to the high standard required today. Recent studies show that 40% of visitors will leave your page if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. That’s why we have to accept the fact that people are used to fast pages and are therefore quite impatient. With all the opportunities we have, it’s easier just to jump on to another side than wait a few seconds more.
Therefore, it should be your first priority to make it so easy and fast for your customers to move around your site.

#2. Make even better product pages

First of all. Your product images should be so good that they give customers confidence in the product and make them want to shop with you.
The quality of product images in a webshop is of huge importance. Remember that they can’t stand with your product in hand, and turn and turn it as they can in a physical store.

Therefore, it is important to have more pictures of the products. Preferably from several angles. Also think about displaying the product in multiple situations and context, and allowing you to zoom in or view large and clear versions of the images.
Then you help the customer to make his choice. The more doubt you can remove from the customer, by displaying the product properly, the more sales you can create.

Then be sure to describe your products properly by using the 5 Butts:

  • Who is your product for? Are you targeting a specific gender, age group, or demographic? Make it clear in your description.
  • What are the basic details? These are technical characteristics such as size, features and matteral.
  • Where is it used? Is it for outdoor or indoor use? Should it be used at work, at home, or in your car maybe? Be sure to describe the circumstances.
  • When will the product be used? Is it for special seasons, or can it be used at any time? Is it for everyday use or for special occasions?
  • Why is it useful? Think about the specific and unique benefits of the product and explain it clearly.

Remember to finally optimize everything for search engines. Overall, you want to show originality, authority and relevance in your content. By improving these areas, you can do much when it comes to increased visibility in Google and other search engines.

#3. Help customers make decisions by using clear CTA

CTA stands for Call To Action, and a good place to start is by understanding the stages where a customer has
to make decisions so you can place Call To Action where the customer needs it. Conversely, make sure you have Call To Action when the visitor has finished evaluating its options.
It’s about providing useful information and then making a clear “Buy Now button” so you can take your customer forward.

These are the stages a buyer has to go through to decide a purchase.

An order is placed when there is an awareness of need. Without this awareness of needing something, it will be extremely difficult to sell anything. Because who buys something they don’t feel a need for?
The need may have been turned on by an internal feeling, such as hunger and thirst, or an external stimulant, such as advertising or recommendation.

The next step in this process is the search for information. Most customers will unravel a lot of information to find out which product or solution feels like the best.

Identifying and evaluating information and sources related to purchase needs comes as the next natural link.

The purchase decision. This stage may still be interrupted. Often because of these two things: Negative reviews from other customers and whether the customer is affected by the reviews. Here, of course, there is a difference between people, but a general rule is that the more good reviews there are – the greater the desire to buy. Especially if you get recommendations from friends and acquaintances.

The final stage is the post-purchase mode. For here, the product is compared to the expectations that the customer had before the purchase, while the customer feels satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This is also where we get rice or praise when our customers choose to make a review.
Therefore, make sure that the customer has a good experience and any good communication during the purchase process itself. Because if the product does not meet the customer’s expectations, it is important that you as a company are careful to provide the good service so that the notification does not become negative about the company.
It can be hard to avoid completely, but the risk is minimized.

#4. Ask About Reviews

Reviews can have a huge impact on consumer behavior, and it’s clear to see that the reputation of online businesses has a strong impact on whether customers choose to use this company or not. Positive reviews increase 91% of consumers’ desire to shop at a company, while 82% of consumers will opt out of a company because of poor reviews.
The average consumer reads about 10 reviews before they feel comfortable with a local business, so that companies with a smaller number of reviews or poorer ratings risk losing a significant number of customers to those who have better reviews online.


Gør det til en fast del af din arbejdsprocess. For online butikker er det ret simpelt at opsætte en automatisk email som skydes afsted når en ordre afsendes, og her kan du pænt spørge om kundens feedback på service og produkt, og placere links til din Google My Business, Trustpilot, Facebook eller hvor du ønsker kunden skal lægge sin anmeldelse.

#5. Mål på din traffik og brug data fra Analytics

For at få success i det digitale købmands miljø, er det vigtigt at virksomheder lærer hvordan man indsamler den rå data, som bliver genereret online. Ved at kombinere både teknikker og teknologier, kan du lave den rå data om til digitalt guld: Værdifuld indblik som kan gøre dig handlignsorienteret, der hvor det har mest betydning – på bundlinien.

Omvendt er det sådan at, du uden de rigtige værtøjer til at få data og sammensætte det til struktur, så det giver overblik og indsigt, ikke kan give en virksomhed det fuldendte billede som der er brug for, for at øge omsætningen.


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